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Press Release

Where is it actually hosted?

How can I tell if my provider is really running their own network and hosting me in Australia? I like to be on top of every issue we have at work, some call me a micromanager and some call me a pain in the backside, however I love my job, and I love my customers! I like to ensure that everyone is getting what they are paying for, and that is a quality service here at Servers Australia! So every day, I spend time with the Sales, Marketing and Support teams to ensure that everything is running as it should! However last week I heard two VERY interesting conversations, one was from tech support and the other was in the sales department. I heard one of our tech support staff explaining to a customer, that the reason they had issues with their site load time on their old host was because they were being hosted offshore, in the USA to be exact… however they were under the impression that they were hosted here in Australia because they were buying from an Australia hosting company, who claimed to be hosted here in Australia. This is very common issue, as customers generally don’t know if their host is being true and really is hosting them in Australia or offshore. You might ask, “Why does it matter?” Well there are many reasons, such as site load times, data security and privacy, connectivity congestion to the offshore site and the risk of undersea cable….

So, what do you think ?

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